Take Action on Cannabis Legislation in Iowa

Here are the bills that are currently being considered by Iowa legislators.

To support or oppose a certain bill, contact the original sponsors of the bill and your local representatives, to tell them your opinions.

Session Bill Number Document Key Issue Bill Name Sponsored By Possible Action
2025 HF72 TEXT Penalty reduction for possession of small quantities of marijuana A bill for an act relating to the possession of small quantities of marijuana, and providing penalties Josh Meggers (R) Josh Meggers
2025 HF78 TEXT Penalty reduction involving one-half ounce or less of marijuana A bill for an act relating to the possession of small quantities of marijuana, and providing penalties Megan Jones (R) Megan Jones
2025 HF105 TEXT The bill changes the definition of “medical cannabidiol” to include specific forms of oral, topical, and inhalable cannabis A bill for an act relating to the definition of medical cannabidiol. Hans Wilz (R) Hans Wilz
2025 SF46 TEXT This bill increases the state's medical cannabidiol dispensary licenses from five to ten, limits each licensee to three, and removes the requirement to begin supply by December 1, 2018. A bill for an act relating to the licensure of medical cannabidiol dispensaries Scott Webster (R) Scott Webster